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Monday - Saturday

09.00 - 16.00

Friday 09.00 - 20.00


Optitrade & Service AG

Pilatusstrasse 17/19

5630 Muri

The dates and locations of the new collection campaigns will be announced here later. In the meantime, you can deposit donations in our box at Optitrade.

The Switlo association collects donations for people in need. The following are urgently needed in the eastern Ukrainian regions:


  • Winter clothes and shoes for adults and children

  • Long-lasting foods

  • Hygiene products

  • Bandages, disinfectants

  • Sleeping bags, blankets, pillows

  • Candles, lights, lamps with batteries

The cost of our truck to the destination is around 4000 CHF. You can support the action through monetary donations (click the button above).

About us

Switlo is a small, but well networked team of volunteers, trying to help improve the humanitarian situation in the Ukraine.

~860 tonnes

of clothes, food, hygiene products, and medical devices

79 trucks

of humanitarian aid were sent to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion

Contact Us

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Thank you for volunteering! We will reach out to you shortly.

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